Why Run Wires Through The Wall

Why Run Wires Through The Wall

Wires are commonly run through walls in both residential and commercial settings. Running wires through walls provides various advantages when installing electrical wiring, network cables, or audio-visual connections. It not only improves the aesthetics of a place by concealing cables, but it also assures safety and gives a more organized and efficient setup. 

In this post, we will look at the benefits of running wires through walls and give you step-by-step instructions so that you can get started.

What are the benefits of running wires in the wall?

While running wires in walls may not seem like the most glamorous of tasks, it’s actually a great way to improve your home’s safety and aesthetics. Here are just some reasons why:

Improved Safety

With wiring running through the wall, you can rest assured that it won’t be exposed to potential damage from water or fire. You also won’t have to worry about tripping over cables lying on the floor or having them get caught in doors or furniture.

Enhanced Aesthetics

There’s no denying that running wires in walls make for a neater-looking interior. You can have all the correct wiring installed while keeping the inside of your house looking neat and tidy!


Whether you’re connecting devices in one room or running cables throughout an entire house, having everything hidden behind walls means that you can do it all without having to worry about tripping over cables or dealing with exposed wires cluttering up a room’s look and feel (and potentially making it unsafe).

Ease of Accessibility

If you need access to your wiring at any time, it will be much easier to get to when it’s located inside a wall rather than scattered around on the floor or above eye level if there are no rugs covering them up! You’ll never have trouble finding where those pesky cables went again!

Space Optimization

Running wires in the wall helps you optimize your space by keeping them out of sight. This is particularly important if you’re working with a small space or trying to conserve space for other uses like storage or sleeping.

Reduced Interference

When you run wires through the walls of your home, they’re less likely to be affected by outside interference from wind and weather conditions than if they were placed outside of the walls. This means that they’ll work better and more reliably throughout their lifetime.

Less Expense

Running wires through walls is expensive, especially when you have to hire professional electricians to do it for you or pay for new materials like drywall or insulation that can’t be reused once damaged by drilling holes for wires through them (and then patched up later). With [product name], those costs are eliminated!

Protection and Durability

Running wires through walls is a good way to keep your wiring safe and secure. Wires that are exposed can be damaged by falling objects, or pests can chew on them. Running them through walls helps prevent this kind of damage.


The more secure your wiring is, the less likely it is that anyone will be able to access it without breaking into the wall itself. This means you’re more likely to keep your data safe, making running wires in walls a great security measure!

Things To Consider Before You Start Running Wires Through The Wall

Running wires through a wall can be a challenging task. If you plan to do it yourself, here are some things to consider before you start.

Building Codes and Permits

Running wires through a wall can be tricky—and not just because of the actual physical act. It’s also because specific building codes and permits may need to be obtained before you get started. Every state has different requirements for how you need to handle this kind of thing, so ensure you check with your local Department of building safety before you start drilling holes in your walls.

Safety Precautions

Working with electrical wire may be dangerous if safety procedures are not followed. Consider the following safety precautions:

Before you begin any work, identify the circuit you’ll be working on and switch off the power at the main electrical panel. Before proceeding, use a voltage tester to ensure the power is turned off.

a. Personal protective equipment (PPE): Protect yourself from electrical shocks or injuries using proper PPE, such as safety glasses and insulated gloves.

c. Avoid harming existing wiring: Before cutting into walls, thoroughly inspect the placement of any existing electrical, plumbing, or structural components to ensure that they are not damaged.

Planning and Design

Make sure you understand what you’re doing before you start wiring cables through the wall. This may seem obvious, but it’s critical to comprehend the nature of the task and how long it will take. You don’t like to be halfway through a project and realize there was a better approach all along!

Tools and Materials

Once you’ve got your plan laid out, it’s time to start thinking about what tools and materials you’ll need for the job. Don’t forget safety first! A good set of wire strippers is essential for making sure that the wires are stripped properly before they’re fed through the holes in your wall.

Materials You Will Need

When you want to run wires through the wall, you need some tools. Luckily, we’ve got a list of everything you need below.

  • Stud finder
  • Electrician’s fish tape
  • Drywall saw 
  • Pencil
  • Electrical tape
  • Cable ripper
  • Wire strippers
  • Wire coat hanger
  • NM cable
  • Old-work electrical box

Step-By-Step Guide On Running Wires In Wall

Are you ready to install a fresh coat of paint in your home but don’t know how to run the wires? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Just follow these easy steps:

Mark the Wall

Mark where you want to put your wires with a pencil. If you’re going to be drilling holes, make sure you mark where the studs are so that you don’t drill through them by mistake.

Locate Studs in the Wall

If you don’t know where the studs are, there are two ways to find them: tap-tap and smoke test. Tap-tap involves tapping on the wall with a hammer at different points; if you hear a “hollow” sound when you tap, that’s likely a hollow spot or a stud (or both). The smoke test involves lighting a candle and holding it near the wall. If any smoke comes out of one of those hollow spots, that’s probably a stud—you can point it with an X or something similar so that you know not to drill into it later on down the road when installing your wires!

Drill the Holes

Before you can run wires through your wall, you need to drill holes. Don’t worry—it’s not as hard as it sounds! First, find where you want to put your wires. Then use a pencil to mark where each hole should go. Finally, grab your drill and go wild! When you’re done drilling each hole, ensure there’s no wood left behind—just a nice clean hole so your wire can pass through easily. And if there is wood left over on either side of the hole? Well… time for more drilling!

Install the Voltage Boxes

Once you’ve drilled your holes, it’s time to install your voltage boxes! Don’t worry; this part is super easy—just screw them into place with a screwdriver and make sure they’re tight enough that they won’t fall out when you put them on the floor or ceiling.

Connecting Wires to Boxes

Now that you’ve installed your voltage boxes, it’s time to connect those wires! Connect them to the correct terminals on each box using wire nuts (which are basically just plastic caps). Make sure all of your connections are tight so there’s no chance of electricity leaking out of place—that would be bad news, bears!

Run Fish Stick Through Holes

Fish sticks are the best if you are wondering how big I make a hole in the wall for running tv wires. The best thing about fish sticks is that you can use them to fish through holes. So if you’re looking for a way to get cords and cables through holes in your wall, try a fish stick!

Push Cords and Cables Through

Now you know where your cables are going to go, so it’s time to push them through their holes! This part is tricky because cords and cables don’t like being pushed through holes—they’ll get stuck if you don’t do it correctly (and then they’ll start yelling at you). The best way to do this is by pushing as hard as possible while pulling on the other end of the cord/cable with all your strength until they pop through into the other room (or even another dimension).

Attach the Face Plates

Attach the face plates to your wall if you want to know how to put a receptacle on a wall without running wires in the wall. You’ll want to do this before you start working on your wiring because it can be a bit tricky to attach them after you’ve started running wires through the wall.

Replace the TV

Replace your TV with a new one and attach it to the wall plate like your old one. This will help assure that everything is lined up properly when you connect your wires later in this process.

When to Call an Electrician?

Need emergency electrical services in London, KY?

At Kentucky Climate Control, we believe that everyone should have access to affordable, reliable power. That’s why we offer 24/7 emergency electrical services for residences and commercials throughout the area. You can call us for any of your electrical needs; we’ll be there as soon as possible. We’ll even send someone out if it’s after hours—our team is ready to go whenever you need us most.

We’ve been delivering quality, affordable electricians to our customers for many years now. When you need help with your electrical system, we’ll make sure you get it fast! Our team of experts is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We know how important it is to have power when the lights go out!

Whether it’s an issue with a fuse or a circuit breaker, we can help. We also have experience with heating systems and air conditioning units. And if there’s been storm damage or other serious issues with your home or business, we can help with that too! 

Whether it’s just a simple repair or something more extensive—we’re here for you!
If you would like more information about our services or if you need emergency electrical services in London, KY, please contact us today at (855) 482-2522 or visit our website at www.kentuckyclimatecontrol.com.

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